Guide to BL Administration

Gustav Henriksson - 21 February, 2023
To access the sandbox company in BL Administration, you first need to obtain a developer license for BL Administration. Simply send a request email to to get started.

In your request, specify how many users your developer license should include. Once your license is activated, you’ll receive an email with your customer number.

Step 1 – Download BL Administration
After receiving the activation email for your developer license, visit Click on “Mina sidor” and then “Glömt lösenord”.
Enter your customer number, click “Skicka nytt lösenord”, and confirm your request. You will receive an email with your new password.

Once signed in, you can download BL Administration from the “Mina program” section.

Step 2 – Login and Start Exploring
After installing the application:
1. Open BL Administration and select “Lokal företagsgrupp”.
2. Log in using an asterisk (*) as the username and leave the password field empty.

Step 3 – Licensing BL Administration
Activate your developer-license by clicking on “Licensierat system” – “Uppdatera licens” – ”Licensuppdatering över internet”
Fill in your login details and OK.
At first login you will get a question if you want to import a local sandbox company. Choose as you please and explore our software.

Step 4 – Add the Sandbox company
Now, to the point!

To add your sandbox company to the companylist, click on “ny” and fill in an ID (1-4 digits) and a company name.
Select the “Databas I molnet” and Next.

Select the alternative above and OK.

Fill in the sandbox company database information you received when you activated the API-keys. Database, username and password in that order. (Timeout can be left blank)

You now have access to the sandbox company in BL Administration and can follow your data from a customer perspective.
Just click on the company in the list and let the testing begin!

To get access to our webapp send a email to:

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